Mobility and from-job-to-job programmes

A selection and guidance system needs to be set up and implemented in order for us to help employees move to a new workplace. This will create space within the company and allow employees to transfer to new posts. In addition to employee guidance, it is extremely important to organise programmes in such a way that they are perceived as being exemplary by the remainder of the industry and useful in building trust between parties and employees.

  • Assessments and career coaching
  • Communication on intersectoral mobility
  • Staff exchange
  • Job application/interview training
  • Centres for the transfer of employees to other jobs and employee mobility

In order to recruit suitable candidates for suitable/available posts, we need a selection and matching procedure. We also need to focus on guiding the placement process, paying particular attention to removing any bottlenecks that could undermine successful placement (based on this experience, we will adjust the measure and this will remain an area for further research). Finally, employees successfully placed will initially be guided externally in order, firstly, to allow the candidate to settle in as well as possible and, secondly, in order to examine critical success factors.


To facilitate intersectoral and sectoral mobility at company level by creating good examples. During the first year, we need to reassign 20% of employees and, during the second, 40%. This measure must lead to a review of lessons learned and critical success factors.

The job market position of 60% of employees who have not moved to a new job within the first two years will improve because they will have made further progress in their current posts. Therefore, the only difference is that they have not progressed to a new post within the first two years. Past experience shows that a success rate of 40% is sufficient for workers and employers to continue to have confidence in internal mobility, especially since we have seen that the remaining 60% (those who do not move to a new job) genuinely appreciate the skills they gain and the guidance they receive.